Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cat Photography Workshop at Neko No Niwa Cat Cafe

Photo by Carlyn Law in Italy

Cats Of The World is pleased to organise our first Cat Photography Workshop 
at Singapore's first cat cafe, Neko No Niwa on 22 November Saturday! 
We had an intimate and fun session with 16 participants, as I (Carlyn) and our friend/ contributing photographer (Ketan) shared our experience, photo criteria and tips on capturing cats with the lens. 

The talk is focused on understanding our exhibition goals and what kind of cat photos we are looking for. Here's a quick run-down of what we talked abut:

·  HOW we started?
Our friends and I love photographing cats on our travels and we pooled together our pics in 2007 for a small exhibition. Now it has grown bigger and attracted over 10,000 visitors this year at the Arts House.  

· WHY we did it?
We want to use the exhibition to showcase the beauty of cats - and that they are such amazing creatures all over the world! We also want to raise awareness of our community cats, raise funds for Cat Welfare Society in Singapore and spread the love for cats.

· WHO can take part?
Anyone and everyone - who has an eye for capturing the beauty and quirks of cats! Now here's where our photo criteria comes in...

Photo by Ketan Shah in Singapore

Capturing a Cat’s Characteristics

What make cats unique? It's their characteristics, including their hunter instincts, predator's behaviour, curiosity, patience, independence, among others.   

Capturing the Purrsonality of that Cat

As cat owners and lovers, we know that every cat is different - just like every person is unique. A cat can be shy, brave, friendly, affectionate, naughty, haughty, funny, sad, etc - but there's no denying they are always cute!   

Showcasing the Country's Setting

Besides the cats as the subjects, we also want to showcase the country via its breathtaking scenery, seasons and people.  

Telling a Story via the Context

A picture speaks a thousand words. A really great picture does not need captions. Some of the best pics we have seen convey emotions, provoke thought, and offer humour. They also highlight the cats' roles in a society, in our community and their relationships with the people around them - from kids to the elderly. 

Quality of Photos

With the advanced smart phones and digital cameras these days, equipment doesn't really matter as long as you can get a clear quality shot to be printed into A4 size. The exhibition has featured beautiful shots taken by phones before (refer to the pic below). It’s about mastering your equipment.

TIPS on photographing cats!

*Be prepared
Applying what you understand about cat behaviour, be prepared when you see a cat on the street or at home. Be opportunistic and get your camera ready when it sneaks up on its prey, pounces, scuttle, jump, groom each other, etc. 

*Be smart
You will develop a sense about where to find cats, whether in Singapore or overseas. You can find them in back alleys, food centres, markets, temples, etc. Keep your eyes open and you'll find these 'invisible citizens' of the world. Rope in your travel companions to help look out for cats too.

*Be very patient
Now the role is reversed, you are the hunter and you have to stalk the cats, sometimes for a very long time before the purrfect shot comes along! Know how to win their trust and and make them feel comfortable. I once played with 2 gingers in Italy on the streets and they led me to a ledge and began playing and grooming each other for nearly an hour. That's when I got the right shot I was waiting for. 

Take risks...
Don't just settle for standard cute photos of cats - yes people love them! But try to frame the pictures in an unexpected angle, go for different moods and play with contrast and colours. The cats don't have to be big in the foreground, they can blend into the picture for an artistic feel. For our exhibition, we are always striving to balance artistic and cute pictures of cats. 

And remember to have fun! :)

OK here are the best shots of the cats from the participants at the cat cafe workshop. We have also posted these pictures on our Facebook.com/CatsOfTheWorldPhotoExhibition and Instagram @catsoftheworldpurrzaar

By Jacqueline Chee
By Amy Hui
By Amy Hui
By Feeza Atiqa
By Feeza Atiqa
By Jacqueline Chee
By Joanne Teo
By Joanne Teo
By Lesley Chng
By Lesley Chng
By Jeanne Tan
By Lina Yong
By Lina Yong
By Lydia Juwita
By Lydia Juwita
By Megan Cheah
By Megan Cheah
Prabha Jayaraman
By Prabha Jayaraman
By Wong Tuck Meng

By Wong Tuck Meng

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